[MoNav Dev] Monav binaries for Windows Mobile
Maetma 91
2011-07-31 07:24:52 UTC

Where can I find the latest Monav for Windows Mobile?

Christian Vetter
2011-08-03 16:09:07 UTC

Currently none of us owns a Windows Mobile phone and could perform any
testing. Therefore we do not offer a WM build.

Best regards,

Christian Vetter
Post by Maetma 91
Where can I find the latest Monav for Windows Mobile?
Maetma 91
2011-08-10 08:57:14 UTC
Hi again,

I tried to build it but it failed. Would you be able to procide help
with building or a build? Then I can test it and give you feedback.
Christian Vetter
2011-08-12 09:23:17 UTC
Post by Maetma 91
Hi again,
I tried to build it but it failed. Would you be able to procide help
with building or a build? Then I can test it and give you feedback.
Yes, we could definitely do it that way. The basic steps you have to
follow to compile for Windows Mobile:

1. Get Visual Studio
2. Install Windows Mobile SDKs
3. Compile Qt for WM (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/install-wince.html)
4. Compile QtMobility for WM
5. Compile MoNav

Which steps did you already take and what errors did you encounter?

Best regards,

Christian Vetter
Maetma 91
2011-08-17 08:35:14 UTC
It looks like Windows Mobile 6 SDK is missing types.h. I searched the files
in the SDK install and could not find them. Therefore I cannot build Qt

ipc\qremoteserviceregister_ls_p.cpp(55) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open
include file: 'sys/types.h': No such file or directory
Christian Vetter
2011-08-17 14:18:45 UTC

It seems that WindowsMobile is not listed any more for recent
QtMobility versions. Which QtMobility version did you use? Could you
try building only the location module? Otherwise, could you try an
older version( http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/solutions/) ?

Best regards,

Christian Vetter
Post by Maetma 91
It looks like Windows Mobile 6 SDK is missing types.h. I searched the files
in the SDK install and could not find them. Therefore I cannot build Qt
ipc\qremoteserviceregister_ls_p.cpp(55) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open
include file: 'sys/types.h': No such file or directory
Maetma 91
2011-08-18 09:05:39 UTC
I tried 1.2.0. I tried to build locations but get another error message.
Following your advice I tried to build Qt mobility 1.0.2 which worked and
was then able to build monav.

I now have a monav.exe in monav-0.3\bin but when I try to run it on my
Mobile device I get an error message that some dependencies are missing.
Christian Vetter
2011-08-18 09:13:31 UTC

did you copy all the necessary DLLs over to the device:
msvcr90.dll ( the WM one )

Similar to the ones we had on the MoNav 0.2 WM builds:

Best regards,

Christian Vetter
Post by Maetma 91
I tried 1.2.0. I tried to build locations but get another error message.
Following your advice I tried to build Qt mobility 1.0.2 which worked and
was then able to build monav.
I now have a monav.exe in monav-0.3\bin but when I try to run it on my
Mobile device I get an error message that some dependencies are missing.
Maetma 91
2011-08-18 13:04:44 UTC
That was it. I am now able to start Monav on the device (with msvcr80.dll
though, I can try to build with 9.0 next time but will stick with 8.0 for
now as it works).

My next question is how do I get to turn on the GPS?
Maetma 91
2011-08-18 14:07:08 UTC
Post by Maetma 91
That was it. I am now able to start Monav on the device (with msvcr80.dll
though, I can try to build with 9.0 next time but will stick with 8.0 for
now as it works).
My next question is how do I get to turn on the GPS?
Note: this was monav-0.3 I am unable to build code from the repository:

.\gpsdpositioninfosource.cpp(25) : error C2124: divide or mod by zero
.\gpsdpositioninfosource.cpp(41) : error C3861: 'isnan': identifier not
.\gpsdpositioninfosource.cpp(97) : error C3861: 'isnan': identifier not
.\gpsdpositioninfosource.cpp(97) : error C3861: 'isnan': identifier not
