[MoNav Dev] Turn restrictions
2011-08-11 08:54:16 UTC

We are starting new project and I'm looking for suitable routing
engine. I've tested Monav and first expressions are great. But as a
requirement, we have to take account turn restrictions.

As I've read from previous posts, work with turn restrictions is going
on. What are future plans with this feature?

Best regards
2011-08-12 01:49:46 UTC

You should see the new paper on SEA2011:
Efficient Routing in Road Networks with Turn Costs
Post by Mari
We are starting new project and I'm looking for suitable routing
engine. I've tested Monav and first expressions are great. But as a
requirement, we have to take account turn restrictions.
As I've read from previous posts, work with turn restrictions is going
on. What are future plans with this feature?
Best regards
Christian Vetter
2011-08-12 09:19:53 UTC
Post by Mari
We are starting new project and I'm looking for suitable routing
engine. I've tested Monav and first expressions are great. But as a
requirement, we have to take account turn restrictions.
What kind of project are you building? Mobile router computation or on
the server? Open / closed source? What kind of turn restrictions (
e.g., all U-turns are forbidden )? Do you want to use MoNav's routing
plugins directly or the routing service? What platforms to you want to
Post by Mari
As I've read from previous posts, work with turn restrictions is going
on. What are future plans with this feature?
We currently have the code to support turn restrictions, it only lacks
an encoding for the mobile data structure. It is not used at the
moment since the benefit with OSM data would not be big enough yet to
justify slowing down queries and increasing the data size.
Post by Mari
Efficient Routing in Road Networks with Turn Costs
Exactly. We worked directly with MoNav's code base for that paper and
the result is still in a separate branch.

Best regards,

Christian Vetter
2011-08-18 09:40:22 UTC
thanks for reply!

Latest news are, that our project is postponed until September, or
even canceled.
So we had to pause work at the moment.

Key features are:

- We are going to use route graph from local vendor - therefore we
need to export
it to OSM format (this includes mapping road attributes to OSM
This is fairly simple and worked well with test data.

- Most important requirement is support for user-defined speed
profiles. As I understood,
this is implemented with *.spp files and it's done during

- It's up to system architect, but most likely routing will be used as

- Platforms are Linux and Win7. Service runs on a) server for server-
side data processing
b) laptops, to offer routing result for local JavaScript map
application. No mobile devices
are involved.

- In addition to usual show-route-on-map task, we are going to use
routing service
to determine closest vehicle to given point (bbox query for
canindates, and then
routing for each vehicle). This means, ~10 routings has to be done
during as short
time as possible; and this is main reason, why speed of usual routers
(like Gosmore) lacks.

- I'm not sure about exact turn restriction types at the moment.

Best regards
Post by Christian Vetter
Post by Mari
We are starting new project and I'm looking for suitable routing
engine. I've tested Monav and first expressions are great. But as a
requirement, we have to take account turn restrictions.
What kind of project are you building? Mobile router computation or on
the server? Open / closed source? What kind of turn restrictions (
e.g., all U-turns are forbidden )? Do you want to use MoNav's routing
plugins directly or the routing service? What platforms to you want to
Post by Mari
As I've read from previous posts, work with turn restrictions is going
on. What are future plans with this feature?
We currently have the code to support turn restrictions, it only lacks
an encoding for the mobile data structure. It is not used at the
moment since the benefit with OSM data would not be big enough yet to
justify slowing down queries and increasing the data size.
Post by Mari
Efficient Routing in Road Networks with Turn Costs
Exactly. We worked directly with MoNav's code base for that paper and
the result is still in a separate branch.
Best regards,
Christian Vetter